tabs - GWT - ScrollPanel in TabLayoutPanel not working properly if not selected -

i have ui setup have tablayoutpanel, each tab corresponding panel, wrapped inside scrollpanel. chat program, users able post messages appear in panels; means messages can appear in tabs aren't focused.

now wanted (simplified here) have scrollpanel scroll bottom whenever message arrives, keep newest message in view. works fine in selected tab, there's problem in tabs aren't.

basically, when amount of messages in tab gets enough scrollbar needed, doesn't seem register until tab selected. can call getverticalscrollposition() , return 0, though know there's way more there fit; , if switch tab, scrollbar resting @ top. if @ point switch away again, work point, problem when goes not showing scrollbar showing it, doesn't seem register until tab selected.

does have suggestion getting around behavior? i've tried setting scrollbars display, didn't @ all.

not 100% sure guess problem display:none of hidden tab might reason why getverticalscrollposition() returns 0.
workaround add selectionhandler , call getverticalscrollposition() in method whenever switch tab scrollpanel


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