C# Multiplying two variables of value int.MaxValue does not result in OverflowException -

i've got integer array contains 2 values, each maximum value of int32:

int[] factors = new int[] { 2147483647, 2147483647 }; 

i'm trying product of these 2 numbers create overflowexception:

try {     int product = factors[0] * factors [1]; } catch(exception ex) { } 

much surprise (and dismay), product returns value of 1. why this, , how go throwing exception when product of 2 integers exceeds int.maxvalue?

because default behavior of c# not check overflow int. however, can force overflow checking using checked keyword.

try {     checked     {         int product = factors[0] * factors [1];     } } catch(exception ex) { } 


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