database - Pagination in CakePHP omits fields existing in model, coincident with Datatable Component? -

there behavior don't understand.

$test1 = $this->post->find('all'); debug($test1); 

it delivers expected array of posts fields of model each post in array:

id, field 1, field 2, field 3 ... 

if i´m using following syntax:

$test2 = $this->paginate('post'); debug($test2); 

it shows expected array of posts fields of model each post in array:

id, field 2, field 5, field 14 

why output occur when using paginate()-method? how same output paginate()-method find()-method?

if further code needed, please tell me.

any appreciated.

update 1:

i found out datatable-component loaded here: have influence on weird behaviour. didn´t find out how yet ...

i got solution. assumed problem datatable-component. in controller multiple paginate() calls , last 1 field-assignments saved in ´$this->paginate´ variable. when run cakes normal pagination without setting fields, variable used , sets fields gave datatable. solution set

$this->paginate = array( 'fields' => array('post.*') ); 

in fron of paginate()-calls. scrappy cocco giving hint asterisk.


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