Is there a text editor or ide that will do this things? -

is there text editor let me shade code blocks specific colors can find them later? bookmarks great, wanted shade same color code blocks somehow related each other.


when current text editors autocreate curly braces or parentheses me , type want in between them, there let me either jump end of line put semicolon there, or "return" type next line, or have use arrow key out of curly braces? perhaps there shortcut i'm missing?

i think every code editor, including notepad++, has bookmarks. if you're looking more complete ide, depends on language you're using. .net languages visual studio, have known that. php, javascript , html/css, can use netbeans php. netbeans available java. rich editor, , think 1 of best free general purpose ide's available.

marking pieces of code in colors unknown me. i've never seen editor supports this. need project in store start , end points of these blocks, unless save them comments or in file itself.

visual studio knows regions can define start tag , end tag. can collapse , unfold entire region @ once, making quite easy navigate through larger files. these regions part of code file, cannot use file, because region markers make file invalid.

i'm still wondering why other shortcut key easier or more convenient 'arrow down'..


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