java - Is there any way to get a openbravo developer's copy that I can edit other that using mecurial? -

first of if question somehow related or duplicate copy of existing question sorry please direct me right direction, though have search within site , no hits whatsoever...

so problem , edit openbravo erp system , 1 way i've seen possible use mecurial , copy instruction can take 1 2 days copy. download speed think take 3 4 days not sure if based on that, when want edit code possible. if im missing here instructions mecurial giving i've said earlier please direct me right direction.. hope positive response thanx cares.

lastly sorry english if happens unreadable, ask clarity thnx....

you can download latest sources (or previous version) in zip file @ following location:

this "lighter" cloning/downloading our whole repository. however, keep in mind openbravo adheres modular development approach opposed changing core code directly advised against.


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