java - Try/catch block with a while statement, used to handle socket data, does not continue. No obvious errors (I think) -

this main class - used control requester added completeness.

import;  import htmlrequester.requester;  public class main {  public static void main(string[] args) {     requester rq = new requester("", 80);      try {         rq.htmlrequest();     } catch (ioexception e) {         e.printstacktrace();         system.err.println("connection failed.");         system.exit(-1);     }  } } 

this, edited shortness.

package htmlrequester; import*; import*;  public class requester{     socket httpsocket = null;     printwriter out = null;     bufferedreader in = null;     string server;     int port;  public void setattributes(string server, int port){     this.server = server;     this.port = port; }  public string htmlrequest(string server, int port) throws ioexception{     try {         httpsocket = new socket(inetaddress.getbyname(server), port);         out = new printwriter(httpsocket.getoutputstream(), true);         in = new bufferedreader(new inputstreamreader(                 httpsocket.getinputstream()));     } catch (unknownhostexception e) {         system.err.println("don't know host: " + server);         system.exit(-1);     } catch (ioexception e) {         system.err.println("couldn't i/o "                            + "the connection to: " + server + "on port " + port);         system.exit(-1);     }     finally{         system.out.println("successful connection.");     }      out.println(compilerequesttext());     out.println("");      string t;     string ret = "";     system.out.println("wait...");     try {         while((t = in.readline()) != null)         {         ret.concat(t);         system.out.println(t);         }          system.out.println("done");     }     catch(socketexception e)     {         system.err.println("socket exception :(");     }     system.out.println("succesful data transfer.");      out.close();     in.close();     httpsocket.close();     return ret; }  private string compilerequesttext(){     string ret = "get / http/1.1";      return ret; } } 

what happens second try-catch block in, block contains:

while((t = in.readline()) != null) 

will execute, , response server displayed. however, after response displayed, loop stop executing, code not move ahead block. program not seem continue after while loop. have idea why?

i.e., system.out.println("done"); never reached, no exceptions or compiler errors being thrown.

your request incomplete: should add connection: close header, , host header. see example

what happening server leaving connection open can send more requests through it, , loop stays trying read results. header disabled behavior asking server close connection.

closing output stream server after sending request works, too.


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