javascript - Handle Pop-Up While Navigating with IE -

i have excel vba macro

  1. opens ie,
  2. navigates medicare website,
  3. logs me in,
  4. compares claims listed on website in workbook
  5. alerts me differences

it during log-in step have problem, i've reproduced portion of code below. .click line executed pop-up window appears asking user click ok button in order proceed. macro execution suspended until manually click ok button on pop-up.

the source code behind web page has information relative pop-up, haven't been able figure out how use can programmatically click pop-up ok button.

any in terms of figuring out how programmatically click pop-up's ok button appreciated.

note: purpose of question, user id , password can used. if handle pop-up you'll passed page says incorrect user id / password.

that indicate you've been successful in handling pop-up.

sub medicare_claims()'  ' update status bar    application.statusbar = "running medicare claims subroutine"   ' open "mymedicare web page      set ie = createobject("internetexplorer.application")      ie          .visible = true          .navigate ""      end   ' loop until page loaded      until ie.readystate = 4 , not ie.busy          doevents      loop   ' log-in      ie.document.all.item("ctl00_contentplaceholder1_ctl00_homepage_sweusername").value = "abcde"                ie.document.all.item("ctl00_contentplaceholder1_ctl00_homepage_swepassword").value = "12345"          ie.document.getelementbyid("ctl00_contentplaceholder1_ctl00_homepage_signin").click  ' loop until page loaded      until ie.readystate = 4 , not ie.busy          doevents      loop       application.wait (now + timevalue("0:00:15"))   ' navigate further search claims" web page      ie.navigate ""  

try application.sendkeys "{enter}", true after login code.

also, try adding do: doevents: loop until not objie.busy , do while objie.readystate <> 4: doevents: loop time need page load. in experience, coupling 2 works pretty well, whereas using 1 or other can produce errors , using application.wait can slow down code unecessarily.


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