javascript - How can I make a Combine.js file load async -

i have created combined.js file page inline , other scripts 1 file...

how can load these scripts asynchronously page? - have done because google , yahoo recommends speed-up website loading.

i have placed file in footer.php (i using wordpress using wp_enqueue_script) without async or defer tags, seem have hardcode these files?

in html5 can use 'async' attribute can see here support it:

<script async src="myjavascript.js"></script> 

the old way it, this:

<script>  var res = document.createelement('script');   res.src = "myjavascript.js";  var script = document.getelementsbytagname('script')[0];  script.parentnode.insertbefore(res, script); </script> 

this way has more support ever need.


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