javascript - Integrate POST method into dynamically created form -

i'm creating gui form insert object div apply classes animate across screen. way have set up, whenever select class , apply , hit submit button, seems refreshing whole page. know has using post method i'm not sure how. here js:

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////add sprite var spriteid = 1; $(".add_sprite").click(function() {     $("<div />", { "class":"sprite_container", id:"sprite_container"+spriteid })     .append($("<div />", { "class":"sprite" , id:"sprite"+spriteid }))     .appendto("#divmain");     spriteid++; });  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////add sprite controls var controlsid = 1; $(".add_sprite").click(function() {     $("<form />", { "class":"sprite_controls", id:"sprite_controls"+controlsid })      //sprite name     .append($("<input />", {"class":"sprite_name", type: "text", value: "name it", id:"name"+controlsid }))      //sprite animation     .append($("<select/>", { "class":"sprite_animationa", id:"animationa"+controlsid })         .append($("<option />", { value:"animate it"})             .append("animate it")         )         .append($("<option />", { value:"pulse"})             .append("pulse")         )         .append($("<option />", { value:"star"})             .append("star")         )         .append($("<option />", { value:"square"})             .append("square")         )     )     .append($("<button/>", { "class":"run_it", id:"run_it"+controlsid })         .append("run it")        )     .appendto("#controls");     controlsid++; });  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////apply animations sprite 1  //$('#sprite_controls1').submit(applyanima1); //$('#run_it1').off().click(function() {$('#sprite_controls1').submit();}); //  function applyanima1() { $('#run_it1').click(function (e) {         var anima1 = $('#animationa1');         e.preventdefault();         if (anima1.val() == 'pulse'){              $("#sprite_container1").addclass("pulse");           }         else if (anima1.val() == 'star'){              $("#sprite_container1").addclass("star");          }         else if (anima1.val() == 'square'){              $("#sprite_container1").addclass("square");           }          else{         }     //}     });      

and here js fiddle:

any appreciated

i have changed code little bit things more efficiently.

first, used event delegation, means there no need add more listeners during execution. event propagates until reaches form , clicked button identified , event handled.

$('#formcontainer').delegate('button','click',function (e) { ... 

i selected animation , index , there can whatever want.

the form separated rest of page elements, , there 1 form, not 1 form per sprite.

on side note, if myself, separate logical representation of 'back-end' (i.e, code drives animator) ui accompanying creating animator class can instantiated , creates entire interface scratch , reusable , self-contained.

see example here.


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