javascript - Use AJAX to find element's text -

i'm trying find way use ajax (doesn't have ajax if there better way please so) in chrome extension download few pages contents of each < > tag stored in array.

every page has similar - varied inner text -:

<html> <body> <a href="#">computer</a> <br /> <a href="#">monitor</a> <br /> <a href="#">mouse</a> <br /> <a href="#">keyboard</a> <br /> </body> </html> 

i'm able use/prefer jquery.

thanks, don't have code me. i'll figure out myself if pointed in right direction.

edit: i'm trying retrieve data other pages , store them in array.

myarr being array want put them in...:

var myarr = []; $.ajax({     type: "get",     url: "myurl.html",     datatype: "html",     success: function (data){         $(data).find("a").each(function(){             myarr.push($(this).text());         }     } }); 


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