regex - Solr RegexTransformer only delviers first match to multivalued field -

i want find hashtags in comment coming db. use regextransformer of solr multivalued field. problem is, transformer delivers first match of string , not matches.

boards.xml: <field column="hashtag" sourcecolname="comment" regex="(#[^.!\s]+)" /> schema.xml: <field name="hashtag" type="string" multivalued="true" />

so e.g. "this #good #comment" input should save #good , #comment in multivalued field, #good arrives.

i know not best when comes regex, according should work intended.

ok, found out, behaviour purpose. returns 1 match. solved problem using scripttransformer

function commentpieces(row){         var reg = new regexp(/(#[^.!\s]+)/g);         var arr = new java.util.arraylist();         while((result = reg.exec(row.get('comment'))) !== null) {             if(!arr.contains(result[0])){                 arr.add(result[0]);             }         }         row.put('hashtag', arr);         return row;     } 


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