c# - ASP Web Forms Scaffolding -

i testing out new scaffolding ability in vs2013 webforms. have model class reason not generating fields of related data. here's class:

public class staffavaliability {     [key]     [scaffoldcolumn(false)]     public int staffavaliabilityid { get; set; }      public int staffmemberid { get; set; }      [enumdatatype(typeof(award)), display(name = "award rate")]     public virtual award awardid { get; set; }      [enumdatatype(typeof(daysoftheweek)), display(name = "day")]     public daysoftheweek day { get; set; }      public datetime shiftstart { get; set; }      public datetime shiftend { get; set; }      public string staffavaliabilitynotes { get; set; } }  public enum daysoftheweek {     monday,     tuesday,     wednesday,     thursday,     friday,     saturday,     sunday } 

here wanting award id's award table , have them generated in drop down.

any appreciated, first go @ using scaffolding , i've gotta sounds massive timesaver!


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