How do you get the state of a WorkflowExecution if all you have is a workflowId in Amazon SWF -

it seems swf operations getting execution state need runid (their reference workflow execution), , don't feel storing that. want able lookup based on workflowid (my id, not theirs). possible @ all?

i mean, guess add tags retrieve tags, seems little awkward, if passed workflowid well.

yes, according listopenworkflowexecutions api documentation user can filter open executions workflowid.

a python example, using boto.swf (use 1. this post setup domain):

 $ ipython python 2.7.3 (default, apr 10 2013, 06:20:15)  type "copyright", "credits" or "license" more information.  in [1]: import boto.swf.layer2 swf  in [2]: domain = swf.domain(name='stackoverflow')  in [3]: domain.workflows() out[3]: [ workflowtype 'myworkflow-1.0' @ 0x32a44d0 ]  in [4]: myworkflow = domain.workflows()[0]  in [5]: execution = myworkflow.start(workflow_id='my_wf_id', task_list='default')  in [6]: other_execution = myworkflow.start(workflow_id='some_other_wf_id', task_list='default')  in [7]: domain.executions() out[7]:  [ workflowexecution 'myworkflow-1.0' @ 0x32a4910 ,   workflowexecution 'myworkflow-1.0' @ 0x32ac090 ,   workflowexecution 'myworkflow-1.0' @ 0x32ac210 ]  in [8]: execution.describe() out[8]:  {'executionconfiguration': {'childpolicy': 'terminate',   'executionstarttoclosetimeout': '3600',   'tasklist': {'name': 'default'},   'taskstarttoclosetimeout': '300'},  'executioninfo': {'cancelrequested': false,   'execution': {'runid': '...',    'workflowid': 'my_wf_id'},   'executionstatus': 'open',   'starttimestamp': 1374482188.063,   'workflowtype': {'name': 'myworkflow', 'version': '1.0'}},  'opencounts': {'openactivitytasks': 0,   'openchildworkflowexecutions': 0,   'opendecisiontasks': 1,   'opentimers': 0}}  in [9]: domain.executions(workflow_id='my_wf_id') out[9]: [ workflowexecution 'myworkflow-1.0' @ 0x344fad0 ]  in [10]: domain.executions(workflow_id='my_wf_id')[0].describe() out[10]:  {'executionconfiguration': {'childpolicy': 'terminate',   'executionstarttoclosetimeout': '3600',   'tasklist': {'name': 'default'},   'taskstarttoclosetimeout': '300'},  'executioninfo': {'cancelrequested': false,   'execution': {'runid': '...',    'workflowid': 'my_wf_id'},   'executionstatus': 'open',   'starttimestamp': 1374482188.063,   'workflowtype': {'name': 'myworkflow', 'version': '1.0'}},  'opencounts': {'openactivitytasks': 0,   'openchildworkflowexecutions': 0,   'opendecisiontasks': 1,   'opentimers': 0}} 


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