ios - Invite Users to A Mobile App Over Facebook -

i have ios app building uses rails server on backend (also building). @ point able invite users app, , think best way go via facebook.

the facebook sdk allows create native dialog directly communicates servers device, server control interaction.

so desired work flow this...

  1. user selects other fb friends invite
  2. device ships invited friend list (fb_uids) server
  3. server communicates facebook , sends out requests via fb platform
  4. invitee(s) notified in facebook they've been invited , provided deep link install app.

i've been looking while on tutorials / workflow - can't find anything. point me in right direction?

download facebook sdk first.

then use following code:

facebook* facebook =     [[facebook alloc] initwithappid:@"your_facebook_app_id" anddelegate:self];  nsmutabledictionary* params = [nsmutabledictionary dictionarywithobjectsandkeys:                                        @"my title", @"title",                                        @"come check out app.",  @"message",                                        @"facebook_user_id", @"to",                                        nil];   [facebook dialog:@"apprequests" andparams:params anddelegate:self]; 

you can refer following url well:

hope you.


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