ios - Iterating an NSMutableDictionary with UIImage not working -

i trying add images fetched external service nsmutabledictionary , seeing weird results. doing:

- (void)fetchimages{ //fetch item brand images //self.itembrands nsarray of nsdictionaries (nsdictionary *itembrand in self.itembrands){      nsstring *currentitemid = [itembrand objectforkey:@"item_id"];      //valid item id. log message displayed     nslog(@"current item id: %@",currentitemid);      nsstring *currentitemimageurl = [[image_url stringbyappendingstring:currentitemid] stringbyappendingstring:@".png"];      //image url valid. log message displayed     nslog(@"current image url: %@",currentitemimageurl);      nsurl *url = [nsurl urlwithstring:currentitemimageurl];     nsdata *data = [nsdata datawithcontentsofurl:url];     uiimage *image = [uiimage imagewithdata:data];     if (image == nil){         //this log message displayed when image not present         nslog(@"image not present 1");     }else{         //this log message displayed when image present         nslog(@"image present 1");         [self.itembrandimages setobject:image forkey:currentitemid];     }  }  //this loop not being executed @ all. no log messages displayed.    for(id key in self.itembrandimages){      nslog(@"current item id2: %@",key);     if ([self.itembrandimages objectforkey:key] == nil){         nslog(@"image not present 2");     }else{         nslog(@"image present 2");     } } } 

the 2nd loop iterating on self.itembrandimages not being executed @ all. none of log messages inside being displayed.

i tried following before posting issue here:

1) researched similar problems in stack overflow , incorporated suggestion 1 of them. suggestion "perform alloc init of nsmutabledictionary" in init method of .m file. didn't either.

2) isolate issue, tried adding simple string nsmutabledictionary instead of image not seem retained.

i confused as missing or doing wrong here. inputs appreciated.

thanks, mike g


for(nsstring *key in [self.itembrandimages allkeys]) 


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