php - Updating SQL with TextArea - only updates with short strings -

i have textarea in form. form, upon submit, inserts information databse. though "newstext" longtext, able insert short strings. update question exact amount of characters.

the form:

<form id="newsform" action="<?php echo $uploadhandler ?>" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post">      <div class="managementnewstitle">         title<br />         <input id="inputnewstitle" name="inputnewstitle" type="text"></input>     </div>      <div class="managementnewstitle">         image<br />         <input id="inputnewsfile" type="file" name="file" onchange="document.getelementbyid('inputnewsfilename').value = value;"><br />         name<br />         <input id="inputnewsfilename" type="text"></input>     </div>      <div class="managementnewstitle">         text<br />         <textarea id="inputnewstext" name="inputnewstext"></textarea>      </div>      <input type="hidden" name="givenfilename" id="givenfilename" value="">      <input type="hidden" name="max_file_size" value="<?php echo $max_file_size; ?>">      <input type="hidden" name="newssubmitvalue" id="submitvalue" value="no">     <input type="button" id="newssubmitbutton" onclick="newssubmit()" name="submitbutton" value="save"></input>  </form> 

the insert:

if($_post['newssubmitvalue'] === "yes") {     $newstitle = $_post['inputnewstitle'];     $newstext = $_post['inputnewstext'];     $newsimageurl = $_post['givenfilename'];       mysql_query("insert cs_news values (default, current_timestamp, '".$newstitle."', '".$newstext."', 'images/".$newsimageurl."')"); } 

the problem has been solved. not amount of characters, type of characters.

i used quotes in string. made sql statement end prematurely.



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