SD Card storage vs Android System storage -

this purely design problem. when building video capturing application android storage should allow app store captured data ?.if have faced when building app let let know storage choice decided use.

sd card or system storage

pros (sd card perspective) -the app not using system storage good. -swapping of saved data easy between 1 android device another.

cons (sd card perspective)

-not android users have sd card.nor fair ask user have sd card using application..right ?

i suggest option should dynamic , not fixed. below of opinion/suggestions you.

1) why don't ask user input storage prefers. can via dialog box in app starts(may once, or par requirement) lets user choose this going use phones :)

if not agree 1st here more suggestions

2) mentioned app video capturing feature, implies need high/long storage volume. suggest go sd-card.

not android users have sd card.nor fair ask user have sd card using application..right ?

3) neither there lots of phone high internal memory. sd-card option here too, , not bad ask sd-card if not available. many apps that.


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