amazon ec2 - nodetool status in cassandra giving previous IP of nodes -

i trying expand 2 node cassandra cluster 4 node cluster 4 amazon ec2 instances. have created 4 nodes , made following changes in cassandra.yaml file.

listen_address =  seeds =,,, endpoint_snitch: ec2snitch num_tokens: 256 

i have replicated these changes across 4 nodes. had expanded single node cluster double node cluster following procedure. however, after configuring 4 node cluster, when ./nodetool status on first node, following output:

ubuntu@ip-10-170-31-252:~/viq-cloud/software/apache-cassandra-1.2.5/bin$ ./nodetool status datacenter: us-east =================== status=up/down |/ state=normal/leaving/joining/moving --  address        load       tokens  owns   host id                               rack un  927.14 kb  256     16.1%  34d0424a-fe07-4047-a2a5-f45b9a0049d6  1a un  135.2 kb   256     15.7%  00308009-8755-4bce-906f-4eda53a31fc6  1a un  20.94 gb   256     20.9%  a815f0de-64db-418c-97a3-9aa7be280280  1a un   311.33 kb  256     15.0%  fc634f65-3cf3-4e24-a9a3-456adbd174e0  1a datacenter: unknown-dc ====================== status=up/down |/ state=normal/leaving/joining/moving --  address        load       tokens  owns   host id                               rack dn  ?          256     16.6%  253ee376-c49d-47a1-a321-4f155870c122  unknown-rack dn   ?          256     15.7%  e94c0cb1-9635-42c9-8982-450271f7da1c  unknown-rack 

the address of 2 nodes shown dn of previous private ip's of other ec2 nodes (each reboot of ec2 instance changes private ips).
other 3 nodes giving me proper result nodetool status. wondering cassandra picking previous ip's because , havent mentioned them in cassandra.yaml file.

i followed instructions here adding new nodes. please advise on why happening.

if haven't figured out, think answer may need make sure using ec2 or ec2multiregion snitch in cassandra.yaml on new nodes. fact got put in "unknown-dc" means existing nodes don't know dc put them in.


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