checkbox - Extjs 4.1 - CheckboxModel within checkcolumn in grid Fail? -

i try work checkboxmodel , checkcolumn in found bug.
that when click checkboxmodel after click checkcolumn see no row selected when click button selected, have ?

here button selection

ext.create('ext.button', {         text: 'click me',         visible: false,         renderto: ext.getbody(),         handler: function() {             //alert('you clicked button!');             var s = grid.getselectionmodel().getselection();             ext.each(s, function (item) {                 alert(;             });         }     }); 

follow step see bug
step 1: click checkboxmodel , see below

enter image description here

step 2: click active column , see below enter image description here

step 3: click button "click me" , see bug (no selection here? ). how fix bug. thanks

enter image description here

found it..

just add "stopselection : false" in checkcolumn xtype @trungkien

, {             xtype: 'checkcolumn',             text: 'active',             dataindex: 'active',             stopselection : false,             align: 'center',             defaulttype: 'boolean'         } 

i hope work.


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