memory - c - cheak readable bytes -

need little form guys

i wanna cheak if byte readable or not, have search sulution not find

hope me

i have code need if tag cheak if byte readable

#include <windows.h> #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <stdio.h> void main() {    float ramsize;    char *ch;    unsigned int j=128,readbyte;    long i;    memorystatusex statex;    statex.dwlength = sizeof (statex);    globalmemorystatusex (&statex);    ramsize = statex.ulltotalphys;    for(i=0;i<ramsize;i = i+1)    {        ch = (char*) i;        readbyte = *ch;        // if readbyte readable        printf("you have readable byte in address: %x , contain in binary:",&readbyte);        for(i=0;i<8;i++)        {            if(readbyte&j)                printf("1");            else                printf("0");            j=j>>1;        }        putchar('\n');        // if readbyte not readable        printf("sorry: cant read byte: %x",&readbyte);    } } 

if byte not readable os send signal process. need catch signal or program terminate.

read on signals in course textbook.


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