php - An answer to the 'how to get Facebook shares and likes of some URL ?' questions -

i building website need retrieve facebook shares , likes of numerous links , urls different sites.

the problem is, urls impossible wanted. example, when data links wrong data , rest of url (&b=2&c=3) ignored facebook.

here @ stackoverflow, lot of people looking answer , many questions unanswered. so, once did right, i'm tell how did it.

p.s. : works non-facebook urls. if you're looking shares , likes counts of internal facebook link (image, video ...), won't work you. i'll using php answer question.

to likes , shares counts, use fql instead of graph api (even though using graph api send query).

but not enough : able so, had call rawurlencode() function on url want data about. otherwise, i'll keep getting errors.

so, likes(), function using have counts :

function likes($url) {     $url = rawurlencode($url);     $json_string = file_get_contents(",%20like_count%20from%20link_stat%20where%20url='$url'");     $json = json_decode($json_string, true);     if (key_exists("data", $json)) {         if (is_array($json["data"])) {             if (array_key_exists("0", $json["data"])) {                 return intval($json["data"]["0"]["share_count"]) + intval($json["data"]["0"]["like_count"]);             } else {                 echo "error : '0' no key<br/>";                 return 0;             }         } else {             echo "error : data no table <br/>";             return 0;         }     } else {         echo "error : no data key <br/>";         return 0;     } } 

i hope someday :)


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