python - zip variable empty after first use -

python 3.2.3, using idle, python shell

t = (1,2,3) t2 = (5,6,7) z = zip(t,t2)  x in z :     print(x) 

result : (1,5) (2,6) (3,7)

putting in same loop code display z in loop again, after (doing nothing between above , next part) :

for x in z :     print(x) 

result : (blank, in no result)

z still exists,


results in

<zip object @ 0xa8d48ec> 

i can reassign t,t2 zipped again, works once , once, again.

is how supposed work? theres no mention in docs this.

that's how works in python 3.x. in python2.x, zip returned list of tuples, python3.x, zip behaves itertools.izip behaved in python2.x. regain python2.x behavior, construct list zip's output:

z = list(zip(t,t2)) 

note in python3.x, lot of builtin functions return iterators rather lists (map, zip, filter)


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