regex - Storing Numerical Data in a Variable through matching in Perl -

i beginner @ perl , want store data file format variable. specifically, each line of file has format following:

atom     575  cb   asp 2   72   -2.80100  -7.45000  -2.09400 c_3    4 0 -0.28000 0   0 

i able use matching line wanted (with code below).

if ($line =~ /^atom\s+\d+\s+(cb+)\s+$residue_name+\s+\d+\s+$residue_number/) {  } 

however, want store 3 coordinate values variables or in hash. possible use matching store coordinate values rather having use substring.

in instance split each record array , verify identifying fields. coordinate values can extracted array if line has been found relevant.

like this

use strict; use warnings;  $residue_name   = 'asp'; $residue_number = 72;  while (<data>) {   @fields = split;   next unless $fields[0] eq 'atom'       , $fields[2] eq 'cb'       , $fields[3] eq $residue_name       , $fields[5] == $residue_number;    @coords = @fields[6, 7, 8];   print "@coords\n"; }   __data__ atom     575  cb   asp 2   72   -2.80100  -7.45000  -2.09400 c_3    4 0 -0.28000 0   0 


-2.80100 -7.45000 -2.09400 


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