c# - How to cut out a part of a path? -

i want cut out part of path don't know how. path, use code:

string path = system.io.path.getdirectoryname(fullyqualifiedname); 

(path = "y:\test\project\bin\debug")

now need first part without "\bin\debug".

how can cut part out of current path?

if know, don't need "\bin\debug" use replace:

path = path.replace("\bin\debug", ""); 


path = path.remove(path.indexof("\bin\debug")); 

if know, don't need everything, after second \ use this:

path = path.remove(path.lastindexofany(new char[] { '\\' }, path.lastindexof('\\') - 1)); 

and finally, take many parts, how many want this:

path = string.join(@"\", path.split('\\').take(3)); 

or skip many parts, how many need:

path = string.join(@"\", path.split('\\').reverse().skip(2).reverse()); 


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