python-wnck set focus to window -

i'm trying set focus window using python-wnck.
docs find related library

using code found on question here @ so, able search windows using window title, i'm not sure how window focus.
from above docs found function:

wnck_window_activate(wnckwindow *window, guint32 timestamp); 

so in python tried using function "window.activate(0)", appears fail, icon on taskbar flashed doesn't focus.
in terminal message:

 ( wnck-warning: received timestamp of 0; window activation may not function 

so think may need put in valid timestamp not sure how this.

this code im using sofar:

import pygtk pygtk.require('2.0') import gtk import wnck import re import sys  screen = wnck.screen_get_default() while gtk.events_pending():     gtk.main_iteration()  titlepattern = re.compile('.*geany.*')  windows = screen.get_windows() w in windows:   if titlepattern.match(w.get_name()):     print w.get_name()     w.activate(0) 

to away wnck-warning, need send valid timestamp w.activate() function. way found use:

now = gtk.gdk.x11_get_server_time(gtk.gdk.get_default_root_window())


there should easier way this, or wnck should allow timestamp of 0 mean now of gtk libraries use.


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