search folder and check file in -

i need this:

check file exist, in predefined folder ..

my example:

dim fso set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") if (fso.fileexists("file1.exe")) if (fso.fileexists("secondfile.exe)) msgbox "file esxist",  0+16, "---" wscript.quit() else dim objshell set objshell = wscript.createobject( "" )"a file") wscript.sleep(1000) objshell.sendkeys "{enter}" end if else msgbox "not founded file1.exe" wscript.quit() end if 

if founded file1.exe,then search second file .. if founded,then send message "file exist" if not founded, run program , exit wscript.

what need? files in folder, locate script provide before launch!

for example, i'll give c: \ folder trololo locate file, looks , if have perform operations.

how can solve search before ask folder locate file? there no way figure out: (

sorry bad english :/


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