arrays - How to call your enum using a for or while method in java.? -

so trying use or while method, print out of objects in main method.(anna, courtney, ashley)

         public class javaapplication56 {          public enum details {      anna(" blue ", " blue"),     courtney(" red", " black"),     ashley(" yellow ", " green");      string haircolor;     string eyecolor;      details(string haircolor, string eyecolor) {          this.haircolor = haircolor;         this.eyecolor = eyecolor;     }      public string gethair() {         return haircolor;      }      public string geteye() {           return eyecolor;     } } 

i getting error under main method says bad operand type binary operator. first type int, second type details[].

public static void main(string[] args) {      javaapplication56 ja = new javaapplication56();      (int person = 0; person < details.values(); person++) {          system.out.println(details.values()+details.);     }  } } 

or more simply:

// details should re-named details (details detail : details.values()) {   system.out.println(detail); // have tostring() override? } 


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