celltable - How to add a new column with ListDataProvider to GWT Table without to change ohther columns data? -

i have gwt celltable, wich updated database. new values database should added in new column without update other columns. so, after each refresh can see new state in new column , compare old state.

example of 1 row (refresh in 10 minutes - after refresh have 1 column more):


after refresh:

data_with_timestamp_01:00 data_with_timestamp_01:10

after next refresh:

data_with_timestamp_01:00 data_with_timestamp_01:10 data_with_timestamp_01:20


to add new column new data not problem. problem is, after refresh listdataprovider change columns data in table , not last one.

can sb me?

i think celltable wrong tool requirement. can try update last row : dataprovider.getlist().set(index, dataprovider.getlist().get(index));


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