cuda - thrust copy_if with const source -
my problem in following code:
the filter function compiles, , runs should when source not constant (the iterators adjusted accordingly). when change source const, compiler gives me following error first 2 variables of copy_if statement: "the object has type qualifiers not compatible member function".
i believe there const not const conversion error somewhere frankly have no idea where. appreciated.
#include "thrust\device_vector.h" #include "thrust\copy.h" typedef thrust::device_vector<float>::const_iterator dc_floatiterator; typedef thrust::device_vector<float>::iterator d_floatiterator; typedef thrust::device_vector<int>::const_iterator dc_intiterator; typedef thrust::device_vector<int>::iterator d_intiterator; typedef thrust::tuple< dc_intiterator, dc_intiterator, dc_floatiterator> dc_listiteratortuple; typedef thrust::zip_iterator<dc_listiteratortuple> dc_listiterator;//type of class const iterator typedef thrust::tuple< d_intiterator, d_intiterator, d_floatiterator > d_listiteratortuple; typedef thrust::zip_iterator<d_listiteratortuple> d_listiterator;//type of class iterator struct selector{//selector functor copy if call const int val; selector(int _val) : val(_val) {} __host__ __device__ bool operator()(const int& x ) { return ( x == val ); } }; class foo{ public: thrust::device_vector<int> ivec1; thrust::device_vector<int> ivec2; thrust::device_vector<float> fvec1; foo(){;} ~foo(){;} d_listiterator begin(){//cast of begin iterator return d_listiterator(d_listiteratortuple( ivec1.begin(), ivec2.begin(), fvec1.begin() )); } d_listiterator end(){//cast of end iterator return d_listiterator(d_listiteratortuple( ivec1.end(), ivec2.end(), fvec1.end() )); } dc_listiterator cbegin(){//cast of const begin iterator return dc_listiterator(dc_listiteratortuple( ivec1.cbegin(), ivec2.cbegin(), fvec1.cbegin() )); } dc_listiterator cend(){//cast of const end iterator return dc_listiterator(dc_listiteratortuple( ivec1.cend(), ivec2.cend(), fvec1.cend() )); } void const_filter( const foo& theother, const int& target ){//doesnt work //this function should copy member of vectors //the ivec2[i] == target true thrust::copy_if( theother.cbegin(), theother.cend(), theother.ivec2.cbegin(), this->begin(), selector(target) ); } void filter( foo& theother, const int& target ){//works //this function should copy member of vectors //the ivec2[i] == target true thrust::copy_if( theother.begin(), theother.end(), theother.ivec2.cbegin(), this->begin(), selector(target) ); } void insert(const int& one, const int& two,const float& 3 ){ ivec1.push_back(one); ivec2.push_back(two); fvec1.push_back(three); } int size(){ return ivec1.size(); } }; bool checkifsublistisconnected(const foo& list,const int& sublist_num){ foo tmp; tmp.const_filter( list, sublist_num ); return (bool)tmp.size();//for symplicity, othervise here function check if //the edge list represents connected graph } int main(void){ foo list; bool connected; list.insert(10,2,1.0); list.insert(11,2,1.0); list.insert(12,2,1.0); list.insert(10,3,1.0); list.insert(10,3,1.0); connected=checkifsublistisconnected(list,2); if( connected ) return 0; else return -1; }
i've found replacing theother.cbegin() / .cend()
folowing compiler accepts it. means messed somewhere in typedef section, where?
thrust::make_zip_iterator( thrust::make_tuple( theother.ivec1.cbegin(), theother.ivec2.cbegin(), theother.fvec1.cbegin() ))
as comes out i've frogotten add const magic word @ definition of cend/cbegin.
dc_listiterator cbegin() const { return dc_listiterator(dc_listiteratortuple( ivec1.cbegin(), ivec2.cbegin(), fvec1.cbegin() )); } dc_listiterator cend() const { return dc_listiterator(dc_listiteratortuple( ivec1.cend(), ivec2.cend(), fvec1.cend() )); }
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