how to compare array of chars with arduino -

i want compare text receive gsm board in arduino word misure , reset , reply in different case depending on request arduino jump on ams.flush() without reply nothing. please me

//message receiving void receivemsg(float temperature){  char c;     char d[200];     int i;     {     serial.println("message received from:");      // remote number     sms.remotenumber(sendernumber, 20);     serial.println(sendernumber);      // example of message disposal         // messages starting # should discarded     if(sms.peek()=='#')     {       serial.println("discarded sms");       sms.flush();     }      // read message bytes , print them     while({        d[i]=c;       serial.print(c); //      (i=0;i<200;i++){ //      d[i]=c;} }           serial.println("\nend of message");         // interpreter of message       (i=0;i<200;i++){       if (d[i]=='misure')       // part of reply message        {    string t="hello i'm arduino: umidità del terreno attuale (0-50): "+ string(sensorvalue);  string f= " temeratura attuale: ";  string d= ftoa(temperature,2,6);  string txt=t+f+d;  char txtmsg[200];  txt.tochararray(txtmsg,140);   sms.beginsms(sendernumber);   sms.print(txtmsg);   sms.endsms();    serial.println("\ncomplete!\n");}}        (i=0;i<200;i++){       if (d[i]=='reset'){     char txtmsg[200]={"reset received... i'm resetting please patient thanks"};     sms.beginsms(sendernumber);     sms.print(txtmsg);     sms.endsms();     serial.println("\ncomplete!\n");      //calling watchdog       reset_avr();}}       // delete message modem memory prevent full  memory space error     sms.flush();     serial.println("message deleted");   delay(1000);   return; }} 


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