iphone - Zoom UIView and all the contents in it -

i new develop ios frameworks/library. have develop framework zoom pages of ios application. have view based application , elements uibutton , uitextfield in it. when pinch zoom/double tap, uiview , contents should zoomed(pan , zoom) accordingly.

my idea create template view, acts normal uiview(i mean can add components , sub views view), has feature pan , zoom. please note components(uibutton, uitextfield) zoomed accordingly.

first of i'd know whether possible. please give me suggestions achieve it.

use scrollviews delegate return view zoomed

 - (uiview *)viewforzoominginscrollview:(uiscrollview *)scrollview {     return viewtobezoomed; } 

also u can control max , min zoom values as

     self.scrollview.minimumzoomscale=1.01;     self.scrollview.maximumzoomscale=5;     self.scrollview.zoomscale=1.01;  


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