javascript - z-index not working with a tooltip -

i using tooltip carousel on site. (the 1 @ left)

however when hover image, tooltip won't above "next image", though set z-index 500 (it works chrome) . suppose because content page block not parent carousel.

here css code tooltip:

       a.tooltip2 em {             display:none;          }         a.tooltip2:hover {             border: 0;             position: relative;             z-index: 500 !important;             text-decoration:none;         }         a.tooltip2:hover em {             z-index: 500 !important;             font-style: normal;             display: block;             position: relative;             top: 60px;             left: -500px;             padding: 5px;             color: #fff;             /*border: 1px solid #bbb;*/             background-color:rgba(11,88,116,0.9);             box-shadow: 0 0 7px 2px #117194;             width:400px;         } 

here screenshot can see issue:

enter image description here

i hovering image under "prochainement". , "ribbon" new still visible above tooltip.

is there way solve please ?


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