python - Appending multiple list index into a single list then using join to print them -

hello have script script should take 2 files split them 2 lists after add them in 1 list , write content in 1 file problem 1 of file might have list length on 1+ index of them 5 of them 10 need w.e length of first , second list add them single list , write them in single file without [] , ' between data thank here script

import re f = open('firsttext.txt', 'r') d = open('second.txt', 'r') w = open('combination.txt','w') s="" filtred=[] mlines=f.readlines() wlines=d.readlines() line in wlines:     wspl=line.split()     line2 in mlines:         mspl=line2.split()         if ((mspl[0]).lower()==(wspl[0])):             wspl.append(mspl[1])             print (wspl)             s="\t".join(wspl)+"\n"             if s not in filtred:                 filtred.append(s)                 break x in filtred:     w.write(x) f.close() d.close() w.close() 

get content of each file first, join them.

from itertools import izip open('file1.txt') f1:     lines1 = f1.readlines()  open('file2.txt') f2:     lines2 = f2.readlines()  open('combinations.txt', 'w+') f3:     i, j in izip(lines1, lines2):         f3.write(i + ' ' + j.split(none, 1)[-1])) 


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