ios - Masking CALayer with Lines -

i'm trying find efficient way perform following clipping operation on cashapelayer have.

what i'm trying do

i have cashapelayer circular path consists of uibezierpath has been constructed using method [uibezierpath bezierpathwitharccenter:] (this full circle 0 2pi radians), , inside of circle, want cut out multiple lines drawn @ different angles, making area below cut out lines transparent on circle. want these lines begin , end @ points on outside of circle aka edges of cashapelayer's path.

i'm wondering whether there way use mask property on cashapelayer accomplish this, or whether should abandon idea of cutting out full circle , draw each arced triangle separately different cashapelayers.

thank help!

i ended solving forgetting using masks. instead, constructed uibezierpath using movetopoint: , addlinetopoint: methods in order draw desired portions of circle.


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