java - Trying to use simple authentication in Play Framework, but my action is called twice -

i used samples add simple authentication app. annotation of:

 @security.authenticated(shlangauthenticator.class) public static result processshlangcommand() 

and class shlangauthenticator based on sample:

public class shlangauthenticator extends security.authenticator {  @override public string getusername(context ctx) {     string s = ctx.session().get("email");      system.err.println("getusernamecalled: " + s);     return s; }  @override public result onunauthorized(context ctx) {      system.err.println("onunauthorized called");     return redirect("http://localhost/#/login");  } 


the problem getting every call action (processshlangcommand() ) being called twice play (play 2.1.1), printed stack trace , seems identical. on appreciated.

perhaps it's because you're using system.err log, instead of default logger in play? regardless, authentication, i'm using module:


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