plone - Version conflict when using buildout.plonetest 4.3.x -

i wrote small module extends if change version 4.2 4.3 throws error when running bin/buildout:

... while:   installing.   getting section test.   initializing section test.   installing recipe zc.recipe.testrunner. error: there version conflict. have: zc.recipe.egg 2.0.0 

i suppose error produced because packages listed in buildout.plonetest have conflicting versions , bug in 4.3 version set. i'm right or i'm making mistake in buildout.cfg file?

the buildout i'm using is:

[buildout] extends = package-name = conaride.theme package-extras = [test]  [instance] eggs +=     pillow  [test] defaults = ['-s', '${buildout:package-name}', '--auto-color', '--auto-progress'] 

there no bug in 4.3 version set; need fix version conflict. try or of following approaches very-common problem:

(1) remove already-downloaded version , re-run buildout e.g.:

$ rm -rf eggs/zc.recipe.egg\* $ bin/buildout 

(2) remove installed config , re-run buildout e.g.:

$ rm .installed.cfg $ bin/buildout 

(3) specify version want use in local config e.g.

[versions] zc.recipe.egg = 2.0.0 


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