windows - How to call Git from -

for company, created software build system based on bunch of powershell scripts , web interface.

this build system run every night scheduled task, can run through web interface. source code hosted our cvs server , works.

now, working on moving our source code external git hosting service. made changes powershell scripts , web interface, goal scm switch must not change way people use build system. , created ssh keys no passphrase recommended run automatic scripting.

it works , that's problem. if run build script manually, or through overnight scheduled task, no trouble. if run through web interface, doesn't work.

i checked twice web server run impersonation use needed user account. no way, script stays blocked on git process never ends. think there security or authentication issue in there, fails catch git output.

the repository folder created, , there ".git" folder, nothing more. output catch "cloning ...".

i tried run posh-git utilities start ssh server, no luck, doesn't fix issue.

any appreciated. thanks.

update: i've been able catch traces, here are:

  • cloning 'metamodels.fake'...
  • fatal: not read remote repository. please make sure have correct access rights , repository exists.

found solution. environment variable home should added system , point right user account.


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