xslt - Delete section based on search condition -

my requirenament delete relation tag @guid match 1 of relation's @relationobj <rolecode tc=32> or <rolecode tc=31> or <rolecode tc=8> only. above logic applicable @relationobj should match 1 of relation's @relationobj <rolecode tc=32> or <rolecode tc=31> or <rolecode tc=8> only.

basically want search @guid , @relationobj looking other relation tags @relationobj belongs <rolecode tc=32> or <rolecode tc=31> or <rolecode tc=8>. if condition true delete section.

below xml :

<relations> <relation guid="abcd1234" relationobj="1234">     <rolecode tc="20"/> </relation> <relation guid="xyz123" relationobj="1111">     <rolecode tc="32"/> </relation>  <relation guid="def123" relationobj="2222">     <rolecode tc="31"/> </relation>  <relation guid="1111" relationobj="2222">     <rolecode tc="98"/> </relation>  <relation guid="jkl123" relationobj="3333">     <rolecode tc="8"/> </relation>  <relation guid="2222" relationobj="1234">     <rolecode tc="100"/> </relation> </relations> 

i tried creating 3 variables extract @relationobj each <rolecode tc>[32,31 , 8] inside template. , comparing @objectid , @relationobj these 3 variables. problem here , variable getting updated empty value when encounters <relation> tag while iterating.

from above xml should below xml after transformation.

<relations> <relation guid="abcd1234" relationobj="1234">     <rolecode tc="20"/> </relation> <relation guid="xyz123" relationobj="1111">     <rolecode tc="32"/> </relation>  <relation guid="def123" relationobj="2222">     <rolecode tc="31"/> </relation> <relation guid="jkl123" relationobj="3333">     <rolecode tc="8"/> </relation> <relation guid="2222" relationobj="1234">     <rolecode tc="100"/> </relation> </relations> 

if observe, <relation> tag [guid="1111" relationobj="2222"] deleted. because both @guid , @relationobj belongs 1 of rolecodes - 32,31 or 8.

could please let me know best save value in variable without updating new one? or there better approach can achieve this. time.

i approach defining key let extract rolecode values particular relationobj, , use key pick relation elements exclude. if understand requirements correctly think should work:

<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/xsl/transform" version="1.0">    <xsl:key name="rolecodebyrelobj" match="rolecode" use="../@relationobj" />    <!-- copy input output except more specific template applies -->   <xsl:template match="@*|node()">     <xsl:copy><xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()" /></xsl:copy>   </xsl:template>    <!-- ignore relation guid , relationobj match relationobj of        relation rolecode/@tc 8, 31 or 32 (not same        matching relation in both cases) -->   <xsl:template match="relation[        (          (key('rolecodebyrelobj', @guid)/@tc = '8') or          (key('rolecodebyrelobj', @guid)/@tc = '31') or          (key('rolecodebyrelobj', @guid)/@tc = '32')        )      ,        (          (key('rolecodebyrelobj', @relationobj)/@tc = '8') or          (key('rolecodebyrelobj', @relationobj)/@tc = '31') or          (key('rolecodebyrelobj', @relationobj)/@tc = '32')        )     ]" />  </xsl:stylesheet> 

the way equality tests work in xpath when 1 side node set test true if any of nodes in set match value. for

key('rolecodebyrelobj', @guid)/@tc = '31' 

when guid "2222" 2 rolecode elements key function (tc=31 , tc=98), , overall test succeeds because 1 of them matches target value.


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