c++ - Getting error: missing template arguments before ‘(’ token -

i'm not sure what's wrong. i'm pretty new c++, don't see problems. i've read through bunch of other stack overflow pages, none of them seem address issue.

this terminal

joshs-macbook-pro:desktop josh$ g++ binarycompare.cpp binarycompare.cpp: in function ‘int main()’: binarycompare.cpp:9: error: missing template arguments before ‘(’ token 

here's code.

#include <iostream> #include <string>  using namespace std;  bool isgreater(string a, string b);  int main (){     if(greater("11", "00"))         cout << "hello"<<endl;   return 0; }  bool isgreater(string a, string b){     if(a.length() > b.length() ) return false;     if(a.length() < b.length() ) return true;      for(int i= 0; < a.length(); i++){         if(a[i] != b[i]){             if(a[i] == '1') return false;             return true;         }     }     return false;    } 

this example why using namespace std not idea.

you've typo'd

if(greater("11", "00")) 

which should

if(isgreater("11", "00")) 

...and manage hit name of a class template defined in std namespace you've imported whole-sale. thereby confusing error message.


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