c# - Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object in redis -

after using wrapper, large volume queue, got error:

initially there no error when save, after several minutes, got error , discover dump.rdb maintain @ 1 kb size. seems not change after large volume save message

operation not valid due current state of object

at redisclass.getinstnace().store(msg)

if (sqlqueue == null)   sqlqueue = new concurrentqueue<bmsg>(); sqlqueue.trydequeue(out bloombermsg); if (bloombermsg != null) {   redisclass.getinstnace().store(bloombermsg);   redisclass.getinstnace().save(); }  public class bloommsg         {             public message msg  {get; set;}             public string typeofmsg { get; set; }          }  foreach (message msg in eventobj)                 {                     logger.debug(msg.tostring());                     if (sqlqueue == null)                         sqlqueue = new concurrentqueue<bloommsg>();                      bloommsg b = new bloommsg();                     b.msg = msg;                     b.typeofmsg = typeofmsg;                     sqlqueue.enqueue(b);                  } 


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