ember.js - DS.defaultStore.load(App.foo, payload) only works first time with DS.RESTAdapter -

update: this non-issue (see below)

so wrote jsfiddle show bad behavior except fiddle works! , real code doesn't. difference using restadapter in real code data pulled server instead of fixtures.

in jsfiddle: first click 'simulate 1st manual load', click 2nd button see work (i.e. loading new or updated data store multiple times in row)


the issue

i sending updated information on websockets ember app. set listener trigger function on correct controller , able update records first time. successive attempts not update store , wonder if has state of store? unsure of how handle if case.

this code updates or adds records come on websockets:

app.sessioncontroller = ember.objectcontroller.extend({    updatereceived: function(data) {     console.log(data);            ds.defaultstore.load(app.choice, data.choice);     ds.defaultstore.load(app.question, data.question);   } }); 

notice console.log(data) part. every single time send updated data via websockets, updatereceived called , correct data logged every time, ds.defaultstore.load(...) works first time.

the reason update both app.question & app.choice because have relationship:

app.question = ds.model.extend({   "choices" : ds.hasmany('app.choice') }); app.choice = ds.model.extend({   "question" : ds.belongsto('app.question') }); 

i don't think code below relevant issue in case interested, how listen events on websockets (using socket.io):

app.sessionroute = ember.route.extend({   enter: function() {     this.socket = io.connect('')   },   setupcontroller: function(controller, model) {     var self = this;     this.socket.on('update', function(data) {       self.controller.send('updatereceived', data)     })   } }); 

are there suggestions how can continuously load new or updated records directly store (and not once)?


the code indeed correct. new data loading store fine wasn't re-rending view correctly when new/updated information loaded ds.defaultstore

i don't want delete question since others may find information in useful vote how like. i'm sorry didn't catch before writing question.


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