java - Re: parsing a svg file using batik svg parser -

i need know how parse svg file using batik svg parser.

here svg file:

<svg width="640" height="480" xmlns="">  <g>   <title>layer 1</title>   <line id="svg_1" y2="395" x2="449" y1="395" x1="449" opacity="0.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="null" stroke-dasharray="null" stroke-width="2" stroke="#000000" fill="none"/>   <path id="svg_2" d="m 200,159 c-3,53 57,-63 57,-63 c 0,0 108,-16 108,-16 c 0,0 73,79 73,79 c 0,0 -32,77 -32,77 c 0,0 -69,74 -69,74 c 0,0 -92,-18 -92,-18 c 0,0 -78,-27 -78,-27 c 0,0 -18,-85 -18,-85 c 0,0 51,-21 51,-21 z" stroke-width="2" stroke="#000000" fill="none"/>  </g> </svg> 

now wanna read ie parse , tag value.


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