javascript - Not rendering VU-meter Gauge chart using HighCharts in Durandal -

i trying add vu-meter gauge chart in durandal app. kept high chart js code in "viewattacthed". js code looks follows:

   define(['services/logger'], function (logger, highcharts) {  //#region internal methods function activate() {     logger.log('reports view activated', null, 'resources', true);     return true; }  //#endregion  function viewattached(view) {      $('#ufcgaugechart', view).highcharts({          chart: { type: 'gauge' },         title: null,          pane: [{             startangle: -90,             endangle: 90,             center: ['50%', '67%'],             size: 175         }],          yaxis: [{             min: 0,             max: 100000,             minortickposition: 'inside',             tickposition: 'inside',             labels: {                 rotation: 'auto',                 distance: 20             },             plotbands: [{                 from: 0,                 to: 40000,                 color: '#679b4f',                 innerradius: '100%',                 outerradius: '105%'             }, {                 from: 40000,                 to: 70000,                 color: '#d5995c',                 innerradius: '100%',                 outerradius: '105%'             }, {                 from: 70000,                 to: 100000,                 color: '#ab4641',                 innerradius: '100%',                 outerradius: '105%'             }],             pane: 0,             title: {                 // need change style.                 text: 'gauge',                 y: 0             }         }],          plotoptions: {             gauge: {                 datalabels: { enabled: true },                 dial: { radius: '100%' }             }         },         series: [{             data: [54036],             yaxis: 0         }]      },       // let music play      function (chart) {          setinterval(function () {              alert("hi");              var left = chart.series[0].points[0],                  right = chart.series[1].points[0],                  leftval,                  inc = (math.random() - 0.5) * 3;               leftval = left.y + inc;              rightval = leftval + inc / 3;              if (leftval < -20 || leftval > 6) {                  leftval = left.y - inc;              }              if (rightval < -20 || rightval > 6) {                  rightval = leftval;              }               left.update(leftval, false);              right.update(rightval, false);              chart.redraw();           }, 500);       }); };   var vm = {     activate: activate,     title: 'reports view',     paymentdate: '06/09/2013',     paymentamount: '$120,098.66',     paymentcheck: '235',     viewattached: viewattached };  return vm; 


but not able see gauge chart.please let me know missing or doing wrong.

the script throws

uncaught highcharts error #17

thanks in advanced.

in source solid gauge demo, have following js files:

<script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> 

bundling , minifying cleared error 17 me.


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