php - Cross Database in ZF2 -

how join 2 tables different databases using zf2? write following query.

select db1.table1.*, db2.table2.* db1.table1 inner join db2.table2 on db2.table2.field1 = db1.table1.field1 

please give example?

i didn't check syntax it's this:

$db = new zend_db_adapter_pdo_mysql(array(     'host'     => '',     'username' => 'webuser',     'password' => 'xxxxxxxx',     'dbname'   => 'test' )); $select = $db->select()              ->from( array( 'table1' => 'db1.table1' ), array( 'table1.*','table2.*' ) )              ->joininner( array( 'table2' => 'db2.table2' ), 'table2.field1 = table1.field1', array() ); $result = $select->query->fetchall(); var_dump($result); 

edit: $db definition sourced


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