css - p:selectOneMenu list not displaying properly -

i have p:selectonemenu in xhtml. list not displaying properly. list have near 70 items. when click on selectonemenu, list populate upwards instead without scrollbar , can't see items.

<td valign="top"><p:selectonemenu id="fr1022_combo_box_ctpy"       value="#{pc_fr1022.w_facility.ctpy}" styleclass="selectonemenu">       <f:selectitems value="#{pc_fr1022.w_facility.facilityctpylist}"></f:selectitems>   </p:selectonemenu> </td> 

i believe way have used f:selectitems incorrect. should

<f:selectitems value="#{pc_fr1022.w_facility.facilityctpylist}" var="facility"                        itemlabel="#{facility.name}" itemvalue="#{facility.value}" /> 



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