MS Access How to get the sum of each products of rows combination? -

suppose have table field value: v1, v2, v3, v4

when combines 2 rows: sum = v1*v2 + v1*v3 + ... + v3*v4

when combines 3 rows: sum = v1*v2*v3 + v1*v2*v3 + ... + v2*v3*v4

basically combination of rows first, , sum of each combination's product. have written vba class task, it's clumsy, calculate every combination 1 one. know there easier way job? sql query or linear algebra, way simplified process welcomed. thanks.

ms access isn't capable of doing without vba. jet sql capable of summing data in aggregate, there no product aggregate, , jet sql doesn't support user-defined aggregates.

if post code, may able suggest improvements.


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