python - wxPython toolbar issue -

i have problem code:

import wx class example(wx.frame):      def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):         super(example, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)           self.initui()      def initui(self):              toolbar = self.createtoolbar()         qtool = toolbar.addlabeltool(wx.id_any, 'quit', wx.bitmap('texit.png'))         toolbar.realize()          self.bind(wx.evt_tool, self.onquit, qtool)          self.setsize((250, 200))         self.settitle('simple toolbar')         self.centre()        def onquit(self, e):         self.close()  def main():      ex =     example(none)     ex.mainloop()       if __name__ == '__main__':     main() 

when run it, get:

traceback (most recent call last):   file "...\", line 34, in <module>     main()   file "...\painter3d\", line 29, in main     example(none)   file "...\", line 8, in __init__     self.initui()   file "...\", line 14, in initui     toolbar.realize()   file "c:\python27\lib\site-packages\wx-2.9.4-msw\wx\", line 3797, in realize     return _controls_.toolbarbase_realize(*args, **kwargs) wx._core.pyassertionerror: c++ assertion "assert failure" failed @ ..\..\src\msw\toolbar.cpp(796) in wxtoolbar::realize(): invalid tool button bitmap 

i use:

win7 python2.7 wxpython2.8 unicode 

i'll grateful answer.

your script can't find image called texit.png.

first, find image in wxpython library installation directory. hint: try finding file called quit.png in c:\python27\lib\site-packages\wx-3.0-msw\wx\tools\editra\pixmaps\theme\tango\menu.

then, either copy image same location script, or add python code script specify path location of image.

i'm on windows 7 using python 2.7 64-bit , wxpython 3.0. followed solution on code , worked fine me.


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