android - Programmatically set custom drawables for radio buttons -

i'm developing basic paint application in android , can't seem programmatically set custom drawables radio buttons. these radio buttons consist of layerdrawable white colordrawable borders , inset yellow (or whatever color is) colordrawable center. put layerdrawable along 1 (it has black borders indicate selection) in statelistdrawable preserve radiobutton functionality.

but when try setbuttondrawable(mydrawable), radiobutton occupies small region though specify width , height 30dp.

and when try setbuttondrawable(null) , setbackground(mydrawable), radiobutton no longer has functionality.

here code

private void setupcolorbuttons() {     int[] colors = {,,,                     color.yellow, color.cyan, color.magenta};     int childcount = mcolorgroup.getchildcount();     (int = 0; < childcount; i++) {         radiobutton colorbutton = (radiobutton) mcolorgroup.getchildat(i);         colorbutton.setbuttondrawable(createcolorbuttondrawable(colors[i]));     } }  private drawable createcolorbuttondrawable(int color) {     colordrawable center = new colordrawable(color);     colordrawable selborder = new colordrawable(;     colordrawable unselborder = new colordrawable(r.color.white);      layerdrawable sel = new layerdrawable(new drawable[] {selborder, center});     sel.setlayerinset(1, 2, 2, 2, 2);     layerdrawable unsel = new layerdrawable(new drawable[] {unselborder, center});     unsel.setlayerinset(1, 2, 2, 2, 2);      statelistdrawable states = new statelistdrawable();     states.addstate(new int[] {android.r.attr.state_checked}, sel);     states.addstate(new int[] {-android.r.attr.state_checked}, unsel);      return states; } 

i've looked @ similar questions, every solution requires me create custom xml styles. i'm wondering if knows how set custom statelistdrawable programmatically. in advance help!

try code:

statelistdrawable mstate1 = new statelistdrawable(); mstate1.addstate(new int[] { android.r.attr.state_pressed },     getresources().getdrawable(r.drawable.button3_pressed)); mstate1.addstate(new int[] { android.r.attr.state_focused },     getresources().getdrawable(r.drawable.button3_focused)); mstate1.addstate(new int[] {},     getresources().getdrawable(r.drawable.button3_up)); mybutton.setbackgrounddrawable(mstate1); 


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