composite component - Why is my JSF FacletContext==null? -

my faceletcontext try

faceletcontext faceletcontext = (faceletcontext) context.getattributes().get(faceletcontext.facelet_context_key); 

is null. going wrong here?

actually try add composite component dynamically bean.


to more clear. have following bean:

@named @sessionscoped public class groupcomponenttreebuilder implements serializable {  public uicomponent getgrouptree() {      uicomponent parent1 = uicomponent.getcurrentcomponent(facescontext.getcurrentinstance());      return includecompositecomponent(parent1, "group", "elementgroup.xhtml", "mynewsuperid"); }  public static uicomponent includecompositecomponent(uicomponent parent, string libraryname, string resourcename, string id) {     facescontext context = faces.getcontext();     application application = context.getapplication();      faceletcontext faceletcontext = faces.getfaceletcontext();      resource resource = application.getresourcehandler().createresource(resourcename, libraryname);     uicomponent composite = application.createcomponent(context, resource);     composite.setid(id);      uicomponent implementation = application.createcomponent(uipanel.component_type);     implementation.setrenderertype("");     composite.getfacets().put(uicomponent.composite_facet_name, implementation);      parent.getchildren().add(composite);     parent.pushcomponenttoel(context, composite); // makes #{cc}                                                     // available.     try {         faceletcontext.includefacelet(implementation, resource.geturl());     } catch (ioexception e) {         throw new facesexception(e);     } {         parent.popcomponentfromel(context);     }      return composite; } } 

and want bind loaded bean panelgroup :

<ui:fragment>     <h:panelgroup binding="#{groupcomponenttreebuilder.grouptree}" /> </ui:fragment> 

the problem facletcontext null, can not call includerfacelet ().

any suggestions?

the problem that


returned wrong string key "com.sun.faces.facelets.facelet_context"

but needed


thanx mat :-)


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