javascript - Reduce gap between jquery mobile listview thumbnail and text -

i have following code want able reduce gap between thumbnail image , description list inside each list view.

my css

.myparagraph.ui-li-desc {       color:#333;       overflow:show;       white-space:normal;       height:28px;       margin-bottom:0px;     }  

my markup

 listitems_markup = '<li><img src="' + itemthumbnail + '"><div class="myparagraph"><ul data-inline="true" style="font-size:60%; font-weight:normal;"><li style="white-space:normal">you viewed ' + itemname + '</li><li style="white-space:normal">you spent '+itemtimespent+' on activity</li><li style="white-space:normal">you '+itemrating+' item</li><p class="ui-li-aside">'+itemviewedtime+'</p></ul></div></li>'; 

this looks like

enter image description here

you might want reduce left padding list automatically set browsers.

ul{ padding-left:10px; //do not set 0 because of list marks border-left:0px; margin-left:0px; } 


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